Sunday, 13 July 2014

Just a quick update

I've mainly been sewing...well trying to. I started a duffle bag but not only is it too big to double up as a flight bag, I also ran out of thread. I miscounted along the way so it's around 6 inches short! I've found there is more detail given in the smaller version of this bag by StudioCherie. So I have a large one that is nearly finished, a small one for me that is half way finished but I'm about to run out of thread again (what am I like?) and a small one for my sister that is cut out but not started.

This is the start of the wedding sampler which has a deadline of September.

Wedding Sampler, 11/07/2014
I decided to work on HAED TT Kitten 2...I will not let the confetti defeat me!

HAED TT Kitten 2, 13/07/2014


  1. Great stitching. Good luck with finishing all your sewing projects. I think I will do some work on my own one this evening.

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to get my small bag finished today. What are you sewing?

  2. Pretty new start, and your HAED is looking great!
    I'm with you on the confetti. Confetti-haters unite;)

    1. Thank you! I love the design but when I see all those little stitches, it puts me off a little bit :)

  3. Great stitching progress! Good luck with the duffel bags :D


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